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2019 China International Auto Parts & Accessories Brand Show (Portugal) Held in Lisbon
2019-11-26 11:14:00   来源:   评论:0 点击:

The 2019 China International Auto Parts & Accessories Brand Show (Portugal), hereinafter referred to as the

       The “2019 China International Auto Parts & Accessories Brand Show (Portugal)”, hereinafter referred to as the “Portugal Brand Show”, was held at Lisbon International Exhibition Center in Portugal on November 22. The show was hosted by the Ministry of Commerce of China, organized by the Trade Development Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce of China and co-sponsored by Sinomachint, the Portuguese Automobile Association, the Portuguese Automobile Manufacturers Association, the Portuguese Automobile Cluster Association, Perfeição Lda. and the Portugal-China Chamber of Commerce & Industry.

       At the opening ceremony, speeches were delivered by Pedro Nuno Santos, Minister of Infrastructure of Portugal, Cai Run, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Portugal, Jin Hong, Deputy Director of the Trade Development Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce, Jiang Dejun, Special Director of Sinomachint, and Mr. Antonio Cavaco, Executive Director of the Portuguese Automobile Association. The ribbon cutters at the opening ceremony included Xu Weili, Commercial Counsellor of the Chinese Business Office in Portugal, Cai Wenxian, President of the Portuguese Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Prof. Luís Moreira, Executive Director of the Portuguese Automobile Cluster Association, Jose Pedro Ramalho, Executive Director of the Portuguese Association of Automobile Manufacturers, Sérgio Alves, Secretary General of the Portugal-China Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Zhao Xingmu, Assistant General Manager of Zhejiang Broad International Convention and Exhibition Co., Ltd., and José Frazão, General Manager of the 9th Portuguese Road Construction Machinery Exhibition. Nearly 100 people attended the opening ceremony, including representatives from Portuguese government departments, industry organizations, exhibitors and media organizations.

       Based on the theme of “Chinese Self-Owned Brands Going Global under the “Belt and Road Initiative”, the Portugal Brand Show covered the entire industrial chain of new energy, finished automobiles, motorcycles, spare parts and other similar themes. The exhibition area included 131 standard booths covering 2,211 square meters. More than 60 exhibitors from 11 provinces and cities (Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shandong, Guangdong, Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan, Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and others) and Macao Special Administrative Region attended the show. Thirty Chinese and Portuguese media organizations were invited to report on the event, including Xinhua News Agency Lisbon Branch, Europe Weekly, Jornal Puxin, TSF Radio, Dinheiro Vivo, Jornal Económico, Executive Digest, Jornal SOL, Lusa, Pos Cenda, Autofoco, Autonews, China Automotive News, China Industry News and Commercial Vehicle. Meanwhile, the summit forum on “Opportunities and Challenges for Cooperation between China and Portugal in New Energy Vehicles” and a number of exhibitor matching meetings are set to be held. Nearly 5,000 representatives of famous automobile and parts enterprises from China and Portugal participated in the activities and visited the exhibition.

       This year marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Portugal. In recent years, under the guidance of high-level political relations, China and Portugal have made made good use of the joint development of the “Belt and Road Initiative” in efforts to promote friendly communication, explore fields of cooperation and new growth fields for cooperation in areas such as automobiles and new energy. Through platforms such as the China International Import Expo, the Forum for Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries and the China Brand Show, China and Portugal have deepened their cooperation, shared opportunities and achieved mutual benefit and win-win results on a wider scope.

       Today, China is Portugal’s largest trading partner in Asia, and therefore, trade in vehicles and relevant accessories between China and Portugal has grown rapidly. China has invested 9 billion euros in Portugal, covering energy, electricity, finance, health care and other industries. With the increase of purchasing power, Chinese consumers are demanding an increasing number of high-quality products and services, and new opportunities are set to appear in Portugal’s export trade. Held in Lisbon on the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Portugal, the Portugal Brand Show will further strengthen exchanges and cooperation between China and Portugal in the fields of economics and trade, promote the international production capacity cooperation of domestic automobile-related manufacturing industries based on the advantages of the two countries, further strengthen exchanges and cooperation between China, Portugal, Europe and the countries along the “Belt and Road Initiative”, and strive to build an international, high-level and influential exchange and cooperation platform between the two countries. In addition, the Show aims to further promote the entry of high-quality Chinese brands into potential markets in Portugal and Europe, promote the export of Chinese automobiles and related high-end manufacturing and branded products, accelerate brand development in the Chinese automobile and accessories industry, further facilitate economic and trade development between China and Portugal and enhance the international influence of China’s self-owned brands.

       Following the opening ceremony, Jin Hong, Jiang Dejun and other delegates jointly discussed the cooperation and opportunities between China and Portugal in the field of automobiles, laying a good foundation for future cooperation. The Portugal Brand Show and Mecanica 2019 were held simultaneously.


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